Academic Architects

  Our Process

We Make it Easy!

Our unique systematic approach to each project ensures quality results. Below is a high-level presentation of our process.

  Preliminary Steps

In the preliminary steps we gather the requirements for your program and/or course(s). Your requirements will be analyzed and a high-level project plan and proposal will be prepared. The project plan and proposal will be submitted to you for your approval and acceptance.


  1. Gather Your Requirements
  2. Analyze Requirements
  3. Develop Project Plan and Proposal
    • High-Level Project Design Description and Scope
    • Schedule
    • Deliverables
    • Quote
  4. Your Approval

  Project Work

The project work is accomplished in two phases. The first phase involves the review, research, and design of your program and/or course(s). The design will be based on your requirements gathered in the preliminary steps. The second phase is the actual development of your program and/or course(s). The development is based on the design and your requirements. Several reviews are conducted during the design and development phases.


  1. Design
  2. Development

  Project Delivery

The final task of the project is the delivery of you're work product. The work product deliverables are finalized and delivered. The following are examples of project deliverables: